Peche do Workshop 2024!
O pasado xoves, 14 de novembro, levouse a cabo o peche do Workshop 2024 de nivel Secundario.
Durante este ano, na materia de inglés, o alumnado traballou a temática “Países de fala inglesa”. Cada curso enfocouse en distintos aspectos dos países seleccionados, co obxectivo de potenciar o uso do idioma en contextos variados e significativos.
Para o peche, cada aula foi decorada coa temática do seu país, incluíndo actividades, comidas típicas e xogos que ofreceron ás persoas que as visitaron.
Felicitamos a estudantes e docentes por todo o esforzo, creatividade e dedicación que fixeron desta mostra un verdadeiro éxito.
Video AQUÍ
English workshop 2024 closing.
Last Thursday 14th, secondary school students held an English speaking countries fair as closure of their workshop 2024.
During the school year, each group worked in different aspects of the assigned countries with the main objective of fostering the use of the language in varied and meaningful contexts.
For this event, each classroom was decorated according to the country and different stalls were made to share information and displays. Students even cooked traditional dishes and prepared some games to share with the visitors.
Congratulations to the students and their teachers on all the effort, creativity and commitment set in this task. The fair was an astounding success.