Inglés. Secundaria: recibiron os certificados

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-12 at 12.22.59

O ano pasado, algúns dos nosos alumnos renderon os A2 KEY, B1 PRELIMINARY e B2 FIRST CAMBRIDGE EXAMS. Esta instancia foi o resultado dun arduo traballo e compromiso e un gran paso na súa aprendizaxe da lingua inglesa.

O pasado venres recibiron os certificados acompañados polos seus compañeiros e compañeiras de Secundaria.

Parabéns aos mozos, mozas e docentes!

A continuar traballando!

Tamén nos gustaría felicitar aos egresados, que non estiveron presentes para recibir a súa certificación, pero foron mencionados.

Last year, some of our students sat for the A2 KEY, B1 PRELIMINARY and B2 FIRST CAMBRIDGE EXAMS. This was the result of hard work and commitment and a huge step in their learning of English language.

Last Friday, they received their certificates in front of the whole school.

Congratulations to them and their teachers!

Let´s keep working!

We ´d also like to congratulate some of the graduates, who were not here to receive their certificates but were mentioned anyway.

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