Exames Cambridge

Algúns estudantes do noso colexio renderon exames Cambridge como peche dun ano de traballo e compromiso.
Alumnos de 3.° e 5.° grao presentáronse a render Pre-A1 STARTERS e A1 MOVERS. Os de 7° grao fixeron o propio co A2 Key e os de secundaria renderon B1 Preliminary e B2 First.
Independentemente dos resultados (que esperamos ansiosos), este foi un desafío e unha gran experiencia para eles.
Estamos moi orgullosos!
Cambridge exams
Some students from our school sat for Cambridge examinations as a closure of their year of work and commitment.
3rd and 5th graders presented themselves to Pre-A1 STARTERS and A1 MOVERS, 7th graders did the same with A2 KEY, and secondary school pupils sat for B1 Preliminary and B2 First.
No matter the results (which we are eagerly waiting for), this was a challenge and a great experience for them.
We are really proud!